It’s Time for a Mid-Year Review

READ TIME: 3 MIN   With the first half of the year in the rearview mirror, summertime is a great time to do a mid-year financial review. A mid-year review can help you to take stock of your accomplishments thus far and uncover any needs for adjustments. It’s...

Is Tax-Loss Harvesting a Good Idea?

READ TIME: 3 MIN   What is Tax-Loss Harvesting? Tax-loss harvesting means taking capital losses (selling securities for less than what you initially paid for them) to offset any capital gains you may have. While this doesn’t get rid of your losses, it can...

Start Planning for Next Year’s Tax Return Now!

READ TIME: 4 MIN  I know you just filed your tax return and the last thing you want to think about is next year’s taxes but making a few changes now can make filing next year’s tax return much easier, more organized, and less time consuming.  I am going to share...

How to Make the Tax Code Work for You

TAX  READ TIME: 4 MIN  By April 19, 2019, 137 million taxpayers had dutifully filed their federal income tax returns.1 And they all made decisions about deductions and credits – whether they realized it.  When you take the time to learn more about how it works, you...